
Fertilizer Value Chain – Supply System Management and Servicing Farmers’ Needs

 Accra, Ghana
April 14-18, 2014
Program Fee:  $1,500 (by March 14, 2014) or $1,800 (after March 14, 2014)
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Inventez l’Afrique de 2025

Vous êtes étudiants dans une université d’un pays africain, vous avez entre 21 et 29 ans, prenez la parole et inventez l’Afrique de 2025 : Quel avenir du développement en Afrique ? En quoi l’Afrique de 2025 sera-t-elle différente de 2014 ?

Rédigez un texte de 15 000 signes (espaces compris). Le texte est jugé à la fois sur la qualité de son contenu et sur la qualité de rédaction. Il doit être original, innovant et force de propositions pour l’avenir du continent africain sur trois thèmes en particulier :
  • Enjeux économiques : quelle croissance et quels emplois pour l’Afrique de demain?
  • Les défis environnementaux : ressources naturelles, agriculture, sécurité alimentaire, changement climatique ;
  • Les transformations sociales : identité, migrations, urbanisation…
Seul ou en équipe de deux, quels que soient votre cycle ou votre cursus, faites-vous entendre et décidez des contours du continent africain à l’horizon 2025.

Gagnez votre participation à la grande Conférence annuelle du Global Development Network et discutez avec les experts, chercheurs, politiques et économistes du monde entier.

Les 50 étudiants sélectionnésseront invités à la Conférence annuelle du GDN, du 18 au 20 juin 2014 à Accra au Ghana (transport, hébergement et restauration pris en charge). Ils assisteront à toutes les conférences et participeront à une session spéciale organisée spécifiquement pour eux la veille de la conférence (le 17 juin 2014).
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Imagining the future of Africa 2025

If you are currently a student enrolled in an African university and are 21 to 29 years old,speak out on the future of Africa 2025: What does the future hold for the African continent? What are the possible scenarios? How will the future be different from the Africa that exists today?

Write a paper of 15 000 characters (with spaces). Submissions will be judged for both their analytical rigour and their quality of exposition and written expression. Your paper must be innovative and able to put forward positive proposals for the future of the African continent on three main issues:
  • Economic challenges: What are the main determinants and engines for growth and are they likely to anchor a high potential growth rate for the short, medium and long term? How do you describe and analyse the economic transformation that is taking place?
  • Environmental challenges:Is African growth sustainable? How to harness natural resources for structural transformation? How to combine sustainability with the demands of growth and urbanization in terms of access to energy and natural resources?
  • Social and political challenges:How inclusive has growth been and how much does it also lead to a social and political transformation?How can we build a bridge between informality and formality and initiate the process of moving out of informality?
In partnership or individually,whatever your degree or your specialisation, take this opportunity to make your voice heard and take part in the discussions on the future scenarios for Africa !

If you are selected, you will receive an invitation to join the GDN 15th Annual Global Development Conference and exchange your views with experts, researchers, policy-makers and economists from around the world.

50 selected students will be invited to attend to the Conference, on June 18-20, 2014 in Accra - Ghana (travel and accommodation paid by the organizers of the conference). Students will participate in a dedicated session the day before the Conference on June 17th, 2014.
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Imagining the future of Africa 2025

If you are currently a student enrolled in an African university and are 21 to 29 years old,speak out on the future of Africa 2025: What does the future hold for the African continent? What are the possible scenarios? How will the future be different from the Africa that exists today?

Write a paper of 15 000 characters (with spaces). Submissions will be judged for both their analytical rigour and their quality of exposition and written expression. Your paper must be innovative and able to put forward positive proposals for the future of the African continent on three main issues:
  • Economic challenges: What are the main determinants and engines for growth and are they likely to anchor a high potential growth rate for the short, medium and long term? How do you describe and analyse the economic transformation that is taking place?
  • Environmental challenges:Is African growth sustainable? How to harness natural resources for structural transformation? How to combine sustainability with the demands of growth and urbanization in terms of access to energy and natural resources?
  • Social and political challenges:How inclusive has growth been and how much does it also lead to a social and political transformation?How can we build a bridge between informality and formality and initiate the process of moving out of informality?
In partnership or individually,whatever your degree or your specialisation, take this opportunity to make your voice heard and take part in the discussions on the future scenarios for Africa !

If you are selected, you will receive an invitation to join the GDN 15th Annual Global Development Conference and exchange your views with experts, researchers, policy-makers and economists from around the world.

50 selected students will be invited to attend to the Conference, on June 18-20, 2014 in Accra - Ghana (travel and accommodation paid by the organizers of the conference). Students will participate in a dedicated session the day before the Conference on June 17th, 2014.
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Imagining the future of Africa 2025

If you are currently a student enrolled in an African university and are 21 to 29 years old,speak out on the future of Africa 2025: What does the future hold for the African continent? What are the possible scenarios? How will the future be different from the Africa that exists today?

Write a paper of 15 000 characters (with spaces). Submissions will be judged for both their analytical rigour and their quality of exposition and written expression. Your paper must be innovative and able to put forward positive proposals for the future of the African continent on three main issues:
  • Economic challenges: What are the main determinants and engines for growth and are they likely to anchor a high potential growth rate for the short, medium and long term? How do you describe and analyse the economic transformation that is taking place?
  • Environmental challenges:Is African growth sustainable? How to harness natural resources for structural transformation? How to combine sustainability with the demands of growth and urbanization in terms of access to energy and natural resources?
  • Social and political challenges:How inclusive has growth been and how much does it also lead to a social and political transformation?How can we build a bridge between informality and formality and initiate the process of moving out of informality?
In partnership or individually,whatever your degree or your specialisation, take this opportunity to make your voice heard and take part in the discussions on the future scenarios for Africa !

If you are selected, you will receive an invitation to join the GDN 15th Annual Global Development Conference and exchange your views with experts, researchers, policy-makers and economists from around the world.

50 selected students will be invited to attend to the Conference, on June 18-20, 2014 in Accra - Ghana (travel and accommodation paid by the organizers of the conference). Students will participate in a dedicated session the day before the Conference on June 17th, 2014.
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Imagining the future of Africa 2025

If you are currently a student enrolled in an African university and are 21 to 29 years old,speak out on the future of Africa 2025: What does the future hold for the African continent? What are the possible scenarios? How will the future be different from the Africa that exists today?

Write a paper of 15 000 characters (with spaces). Submissions will be judged for both their analytical rigour and their quality of exposition and written expression. Your paper must be innovative and able to put forward positive proposals for the future of the African continent on three main issues:
  • Economic challenges: What are the main determinants and engines for growth and are they likely to anchor a high potential growth rate for the short, medium and long term? How do you describe and analyse the economic transformation that is taking place?
  • Environmental challenges:Is African growth sustainable? How to harness natural resources for structural transformation? How to combine sustainability with the demands of growth and urbanization in terms of access to energy and natural resources?
  • Social and political challenges:How inclusive has growth been and how much does it also lead to a social and political transformation?How can we build a bridge between informality and formality and initiate the process of moving out of informality?
In partnership or individually,whatever your degree or your specialisation, take this opportunity to make your voice heard and take part in the discussions on the future scenarios for Africa !

If you are selected, you will receive an invitation to join the GDN 15th Annual Global Development Conference and exchange your views with experts, researchers, policy-makers and economists from around the world.

50 selected students will be invited to attend to the Conference, on June 18-20, 2014 in Accra - Ghana (travel and accommodation paid by the organizers of the conference). Students will participate in a dedicated session the day before the Conference on June 17th, 2014.
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Imagining the future of Africa 2025

If you are currently a student enrolled in an African university and are 21 to 29 years old,speak out on the future of Africa 2025: What does the future hold for the African continent? What are the possible scenarios? How will the future be different from the Africa that exists today?

Write a paper of 15 000 characters (with spaces). Submissions will be judged for both their analytical rigour and their quality of exposition and written expression. Your paper must be innovative and able to put forward positive proposals for the future of the African continent on three main issues:
  • Economic challenges: What are the main determinants and engines for growth and are they likely to anchor a high potential growth rate for the short, medium and long term? How do you describe and analyse the economic transformation that is taking place?
  • Environmental challenges:Is African growth sustainable? How to harness natural resources for structural transformation? How to combine sustainability with the demands of growth and urbanization in terms of access to energy and natural resources?
  • Social and political challenges:How inclusive has growth been and how much does it also lead to a social and political transformation?How can we build a bridge between informality and formality and initiate the process of moving out of informality?
In partnership or individually,whatever your degree or your specialisation, take this opportunity to make your voice heard and take part in the discussions on the future scenarios for Africa !

If you are selected, you will receive an invitation to join the GDN 15th Annual Global Development Conference and exchange your views with experts, researchers, policy-makers and economists from around the world.

50 selected students will be invited to attend to the Conference, on June 18-20, 2014 in Accra - Ghana (travel and accommodation paid by the organizers of the conference). Students will participate in a dedicated session the day before the Conference on June 17th, 2014.
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